Chapter Two begins next Monday! Here is the cover and small glimpse of things to come.

We had a great time debuting our book at the San Diego Comicon! Mini review below:10544324_10152704197043273_4909147780170146921_nWe were smack dab in the middle of all the action at the Keenspot booth which was located between Image and Marvel. In fact right over my left shoulder is where all of the Avengers cast assembled for signings and the place went madhouse. Directly in front of us was the amazing Image Comics setup and signing area.

Ally was able to get some of her favorite new books signed and talk to Rick Remender. Me? I pretty much drew art cards all weekend and caught up with old industry friends. The highlight for me was getting into the Fight Club 2 panel. Words probably can’t express how excited I am about that project. So stoked that that’s all I drew Sunday were Fight Club art cards. ๐Ÿ™‚ Big thanks to Chris Crosby at Keenspot for the open invite and for supporting independent webcomic creators for so many years. For any new readers we met at the show, or any old ones, feel free to email us and let us know what you think of the project at solidcomicsย  @ย or leave comments on the updates. So glad so many people were receptive. It’s very hard to stand out in the madness of San Diego Comicon, but many people noticed our banner and stopped to ask specifically what our book was about. Mission accomplished!

We have a lot of work to do, so we will be putting our heads down to finish up graphic novel #1 for our publisher. Thanks to everyone for all of the positive support.